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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

anger mirror......teeth grinding

 I WILL KILL u feel the anger in these words.....and can u see the clenching of my tooth...this a very common disored .....every boby gring their teeths in also.........a few illustration for this behavior is given below.............
Teeth grinding disorder refers to Bruxism, which is a disorder in which one is forced to grind and clench one’s teeth. It usually happens at night, and people suffering from this disease also bite their nails and chew on pencils and the insides of their cheeks.
It is estimated that nearly 20% of American adults grind their teeth. This is more common among adults over 25 and although it occurs in children, it is usually due to colds, ear infections or allergies. In children, bruxism tends to get resolved on its own.
Bruxism is usually caused by stress, anxiety, pain frustration or anger. Sleep disorders also cause this. People who are more aggressive and more likely to get angry are at higher risk of getting Bruxism. Over a period of time, if Bruxism gets out of hand it can result in permanent damage to the teeth, including cracked and chipped enamel, hairline fractures, wearing down of the teeth to the dentin, gum damage, earaches, headaches and soreness in the jaws.
People with Bruxism are advised to cut back on food and drinks like chocolates, fizzy drinks and coffee. Those with Bruxism are trained to place their tongue between their teeth in order to avoid grinding their teeth. Stress management, behavior therapy, botulinum toxin (Botox) are recommended for those patients who have not responded to other kinds of treatment. Mouth guards and splints to protect the mouth, teeth and jaws are also some recommended ways to treat Bruxism.

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